Book of Hearts for Kind Acts – Paper Project for World Kindness Day

Celebrating World Kindness Day is a great way to remember just how powerful acts of kindness can be. One small show of care can change the world!

After you do something nice, write or draw it in the book. Remembering nice things you’ve done can inspire you to do more caring things!

We often come up with better ideas when we talk to each other. Use your Hearts Book as a starting place to talk about kindness with others. How might you take a small act to the next level?


1) Fold a sheet of paper in half.


2) Draw half of a heart along the folded edge.


3) Cut along the line. Repeat steps 1-3 to make more hearts.


4) Stack the hearts and staple them in the middle to make a book.


Make it Unique!

Design badges for different types of kind acts. Then, paste a badge on the page of your book where you wrote about what you did.

Looking for More Inspiration?

Check out The Paper Girls Show’s Episode 6 “Rescuing Animals with Creativity & Technology” to learn more about crafty ways to be kind.