Orion Orbiter – Paper Project for NASA's Artemis Moon Mission

The Artemis Moon Mission is a project by NASA to put humans on the moon for the first time since 1972.

On Nov 16, 2022, Artemis 1 launched into space without any astronauts on board. Its Orion Spacecraft will orbit the moon and then return to earth on Dec 11, 2022.

This test will help NASA engineers prepare astronauts to be on the moon in a future mission.

Bonus: Check out NASA’s “Artemis I: Are We Ready” video overview of the mission.

Prepare your own Orion Obiter for future Artemis Missions! Practice circling and landing your spacecraft on the moon (in the cup). How can you design your rocket to fly better or land with greater success?


1) Cut off the top half of a paper cup.


2) Poke a hole in the cup with a pencil.


3) Tape the pencil to the cup.


4) Draw a moon on card stock.


5) Cut out the moon. Tape it to the cup.


6) Draw a spacecraft on card stock. Cut it out.


7) Tie a large paperclip to each end of a piece of string.


8) Tape one paperclip to the spacecraft. Slip the other around the pencil.


Fun Fact!

During the Artemis missions, the first woman and the first person of color will set foot on the Moon.

Looking for More Inspiration?

Check out The Paper Girls Show’s Episode 2 “Museum Mayhem” to see how “aliens” save the day.