Watch, Make, Learn

Science-Themed Episodes


Episode 7: Dev-astated by Fame

Dev is feeling down after his disaster audition for “Confetti’s Got Talent”. Caily and Reese are inspired to make a D.I.Y. drum set out of paper and conductive ink. Educational topics include: 1) music and 2) learning from mistakes.



Class Topic 1: Sound Waves
Caily & Reese teach about sound waves and how they make noise louder or quieter. When is a time that you could play something with bigger sound waves? When is a time that smaller sound waves are important?

Class Topic 2: Growth Mindset
When is a time that you made a mistake? What did you learn from it?

Class Topic 3: Scientific Method & Problem Solving
Science is all about testing a hypothesis (educated guess) and learning from what worked and what did not work. Have you ever made something and had to try again to get it to work? What helped you to be successful?

Class Topic 4: Identifying Emotions & Creativity
Music brings up many different feelings for people. Create your own musical note and decorate it to show how music makes you feel.

For more classroom activities and extensions view: Episode 7 Guide


Episode 8: Not Remotely Funny

Caily and Reese are mortified when their paper airplane note passing device is intercepted and earns them detention. In Confetti, they learn about Seymour’s airship and get an idea for a better note passing device. Educational topics include: 1) aerodynamics and 2) art.



Class Topic 1: Problem Solving & Engineering
What do the controllers do to help make Professor Seymour’s aircraft go the right way?

Class Topic 2: Creativity
How would you decorate your own airplane? Create a paper plane and decorate it! Do the decorations affect how the plane moves?

Class Topic 3: Problem Solving
What are some other challenges that would affect how a paper airplane would fly?

For more classroom activities and extensions view: Episode 8 Guide


Episode 10: Fin-tastic Fabio

Caily’s fish Fabio isn’t feeling well, and she asks Jax for help. Jax introduces the Paper Girls to a paper microscope to help them see more than what meets the eye. Educational topics include: 1) microscopes and 2) biology.



Class Topic 1: Biology
A microscope helps us to see tiny things called organisms much bigger. What is something you would want to look at under a microscope?

Class Topic 2: Problem Solving
How could you use a microscope to help solve a problem or learn something new?

Class Topic 3: Social Awareness & Animal Needs
Create an origami Fabio Fish. What would you put in it’s tank to make it feel great?