Watch, Make, Learn

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) -Themed Episodes


Episode 4: Bot We’re a Team

Reese and Caily can’t agree on a project for their robotics competition. In Confetti – Kami’s uncle, Professor Seymour - helps them come up with a plan. Educational topics include: 1) robotics and 2) teamwork.



Class Topics: Conflict Resolution

  1. Reese & Caily talk to Professor Seymour to help be the tie breaker. Who is someone that you can talk to when having a disagreement with a friend or classmate?

  2. What are some things you can say to your friends when you disagree with them while still being respectful to their feelings? How can you take care of yourself so that you are able to react to a disagreement calmly?

  3. The group makes a compromise by building a robot to do both skills. When is a time you compromised to make sure everyone is happy?

For more classroom activities and extensions: Episode 4 Guide


Episode 5: The Inspo Buddies

Edie accidentally erased her sister Caily’s computer project. In Confetti, Dev worries about Queen Frivol’s Shredders stealing his original songs. Both Caily and Dev. are prompted to invent their own security measures. Educational topics include: 1) problem solving, 2) chemistry, and 3) friendship.



Class Topic 1: Friendship & Communication
Who is your inspo buddy? What do they do or say that inspires you?

Class Topic 2: Self-Awareness
What picture would you put in your picture frame to share who or what inspires you the most?

Class Topic 3: Creative Thinking & Problem Solving
How would you use a secret message? What would you keep safe with it?

Class Topic 4: Chemistry
The light made the lemon juice change colors just like when fruit is left out for a while. What other fruits will change color when they are left out?

For more classroom activities and extensions: Episode 5 Guide 


Episode 9: A “Shred” of a Difference

Queen Frivol is enraged to discover that her beloved Shredder Melvin has been recycling stuff from her prized junk pile at Uncle Seymour’s Fix-It Shop. Melvin makes mountains of shredded paper for Edie’s Earth Day presentation. Educational topics include: 1) upcycling and 2) respecting your environment.



Class Topic 1: Earth & Human Activity
Upcycling is when you reuse a discarded object in a creative way. What are some other ways that people could upcycle the shredded paper from Melvin?

Class Topic 2: Social Awareness
Recycling and upcycling are great ways to help the environment. Why do you think it is helpful to recycle?

Class Topic 3: Creativity & Upcycling
Think about some of the items you throw away the most. Are there any creative ways you could upcycle them instead of throwing them away?

Class Topic 4: Observation
Create an origami crane. What do you think you would see if you were flying high in the air like a bird?

For more classroom activities and extensions: Episode 9 Guide


Episode 11: Let’s Make a Mistake

“Let’s Make a Mistake” is an anthem for ‘The Paper Girls Show’ and the maker generation. The song celebrates imperfection, and highlights the positive aspects of failure- while inspiring thinking to help make the world a better place. Educational topics include 1) mistakes and 2) growth-mindset.



Class Topic 1: Growth Mindset
The song says that mistakes are something you make on the way to something great. When is a time that you made a mistake, which turned into something great?

Class Topic 2: Self-Management & Growth Mindset
How have you learned from making mistakes?

Class Topic 3: Creative Thinking & Self-Management
What are some tools you use to fix a mistake, or turn it into something new?

Class Topic 4: Creativity & Problem Solving
Make a crumpled paper sculpture. Sometimes when we make a mistake or write something down on a paper, we crumple the paper up and throw it away. Look at your crumpled paper. Do you see any beauty in the sculpture you made? How is it different from others crumpled paper? What type of design is made by the crumples when you open the paper back up?